Lunar Acupuncture Course

Learn how to amplify the energy of the moon in your acupuncture treatments

Where science meets soul

Have you ever noticed a connection between the moon cycles and the concerns and ailments your patients are bringing to you to treat? This is no accident. We are all intrinsically connected to the universe, and when we harness the energetics of the cosmos, we can amplify our treatments for greater healing and better outcomes. 

Learn how to amplify the energy of the moon acupuncture in your treatments

We are intricately connected to the cosmos, and when you weave astrology with Chinese Medicine, there are opportunities for profound healing and transformation. If you want a full understanding of how the stages and positions of the moon impact our emotional, spiritual, and physical bodies, then this course is for you. I’ll teach you what points to select based on the moon cycle, how to lead a moon circle, and how to confidently step into a more mystical leadership/healer role. 

amplify the energy of the moon acupuncture

If you’re ready to take your acupuncture practice to new heights, my Lunar Acupuncture Course will give you the guidance, tools, and confidence to leverage the power of astrology in your clinic.

Whether you’re just getting started or you’ve been practicing for 10+ years, I’m showing you exactly how to feel more connected to the universe by understanding what acupuncture points synergistically work with the energetics of the current moon cycles.  

Dr. Michelle Hamilton

Is this course for me?

✓ You believe our human bodies are connected to our exterior environments yet don’t have the time to track the moon or astrology.
✓ You want to take a more multi-dimensional approach in your clinic.
✓ You know that greater forces are at play, and you want to work in the flow with those forces. 
✓ You are mystical and practical. You want to utilize the energetics of the cosmos and you also want treatment protocols that work. 
✓ You are interested in stepping into more of a facilitator role by leading moon circles in your community, but you don’t know how to lead or create a container for that.  
✓ You need confidence and knowledge about astrology to be able to use it in your clinic.
✓You want to connect with a community of acupuncturists that are passionate about blending medicine with the energetics of the moon and cosmos. 

Michelle: Acupuncture Business Coach & Educator

What’s inside the Course?

  • Learn Lunar Acupuncture 101

    • 8 phases of the moon

    • The energetics of each phase

    • How the moon and its connection to feelings and emotions make it a powerful tool for manifestation in your business and life.

  • Specific point prescriptions for each phase of the lunar cycle

  • The 12 zodiac signs, and which meridians are partnered with each sign. 

  • How to work with specific crystals around each phase of the moon.

  • Essential Allies: Essential Oil selection based on the energetics of the collective field.

  • Monthly live calls where we discuss in further detail the specific point, essential oil and crystal pairings that would be of benefit in your practice and self-care.

  • Manifestation techniques which pair with the moon cycles to allow you to flow abundance into your life with ease.

Enroll Now!

Enroll in the Lunar Acupuncture Course

I’ve added a Bonus!

Enroll now, and receive my bonus offering: a complete guide on how to host a moon cycle!

With this bonus feature you’ll be equipped with everything you need to take your new found understanding of the moon cycles to your community and generate extra income for your expertise. With this added bonus,this course has the capacity to pay for itself!